lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012


We can't deny that the use of new technologies at school is a change, and every change can create a trauma due to the fact that it requires some effort, adaptation until we get used to it. Then, those changes become natural, a habit. We all have experienced a lot of changes regarding the Educational System in Spain, as well as in textbooks, which update every year.

So, new technologies allow us to extend the learning field (Facebook, web pages...). The next thing we have to take into consideration is the student; our students are creative because they 'create', share, etc. New technologies ease creating links between people and communication.

In my opinion, tehcnology is deeply important when teaching English, and not only with teenagers. Little children learn throughout Youtube links, films projections. Regarding Primary students love learning through songs with lyrics, powerpoint slides, online exercises and games at home, etc.
Nowadays, teenagers are used to communicate with each other through Social networks, Blogs and teachers have to take profit of it to make the learning more dynamic and interesting.

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012


Have you ever wondered what you have to bear in mind in order to choose the best textbook to use in your lessons? Well, I didn't know that this decision is one of the most important things when teaching and that there are a lot of different editorials with different textbooks.

Today we have learnt many important things regarding this election:
  • Themes: students have to find the themes on the textbook interesting and adapted to their lifestyle.
  • The resistance of the book is also important.
  • Teachers have to take into consideration the complete set of skills (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing)
  • It is also important to meet up with other teachers in order to decide which textbook fits better.
I found the lesson very interesting due to the fact that I'm used to design Didactic Units for my students in my free time. It also helped me to realize that the diagramming, the illustrations and the written text are very important aspects to take into consideration when designing a Didactic Unit.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012


Activities designed to teach English throughout:


TEAM BUILDING (29/10/12) the process of building teams; not merely putting students together, but turning them into a cooperative and caring team.

The members of the group have to respect each other. Nobody is better than anyone because the purpose is to create a good atmosphere within the group. It is better to maintain the same groups all over the month (for example), instead of changing the members in each activity. Children have to know each other and to get used to work with the other members.

The activity in group has to be designed in order to reach a goal. It is important to make them think about what they are doing, and to create bounds between them. What we want is to compensate the lack of abilities from others.

5 Specific aims of team building:
  1. Getting acquainted (possitive team atmosphere)
  2. Team Identity (sense of ownership, affiliation and solidarity)
  3. Mutual support
  4. Valuing differences (tolerance diversity)
  5. Developing Synergy (together, everyone achieves more)
Why do team building?

To promote a positive tea and a classroom climate, and provide the student the skills to work with others.

Activities for Cooperative Learning:
  • Find the Fib
  • Formations
  • Pairs compare
  • RoundRobin
  • Same-Different
  • Team Projects (roles)

sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012


What is meant by intelligence?

After a brainstorming, we could say that the intelligence allows us to survive, to perceive, to retain knowledge about the world around us, to acquire skills, to find out solutions, to comunicate, to create and to take decisions wisely.

According to Howard Gardner, an American developmental psychologist who proposed the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1983, viewed intelligence as 'the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting' (Gardner & Hatch, 1989).
Gardner formulated a list of seven intelligences:


People have a unique blend of intelligences. Howard Gardner argues that the big challenge facing the deployment of human resources 'is how to best take advantage of the uniqueness conferred on us as a species exhibiting several intelligences' (ibid.: 45).

So, regarding educational psychology, the teacher observation in class is notably important, as the students have a different more developed intelligence. The teacher has the task of designing activities in order to blend as many as possible intelligences, so students learn throughout this mixing. Spencer Kagan, creating a lot of exercises based on competences, reduced the number of academic failures. He proposes three stadiums:

1. Match: to conect our way to teach to the way students can learn.
2. Stretch: to extend the predominant intelligence to the other latent intelligences.
3. Celebrate multiple intelligences.

We, as teachers, have to get the students ready to understand and to work with diversity, because the lesson can't continue if a student doesn't understand anything. We have to manage enough strategies to "touch" our students.

 A+strategies+clever students

One of the most popular strategy is group-work. This methodology is based on cooperative learning. We turn from the individual to the group, and viceversa. Lets think about a concept that, at first instance, is unknown to us; we assimilate the concept as we get used to it and, finally, it becomes something natural, genetic, intrinsec to us.

Some ideas in teaching:

*Regarding correction, teachers have to limit correction. The main purpose is to understand and to communicate with each other. Children have to lose their fear of failure. Teachers cant pretend that children learn something that doesn't belong to their age.

New technologies help multiple intelligences (MI). Making the students to investigate improves their learning abilities and helps them deduce knowledge.

*Some exercises according to different intelligences:

-Linguistic: brainstorming, descriptive sentences, writing stories from brainstormings, RoundRobin, book reviews, newspaper activities...,
-Logical/mathematical: find the rule, simetry exercises... -Spatial/Visuall: maping ideas (colors, icons...)
-Musical/rythmic: songs, "close your eyes, listen to what you hear and write about it"...
-Kinesthetic: debates, plays, 'Baskenglish"(basketball games in English); the most difficult students are more motivable from the kinesthetic point of view.
-Naturalistic: experimentation with senses...

*Power teaching: the concept of calling students' attention:

Teacher yells: class?-----the students have to answer: yes.
Same with: teach?----ok *


...follow the instructions immediately.
...keep our teacher happy.
...raise our hand if we have something to say.
...don't stand up without permission.
...take decisions wisely

Cooperative Learning in foreign language teaching - Jette Stenlev

... is learning in small groups where interaction is structured according to carefully worked-out principles.
To ensure optimum opportunities for interaction, cooperative learning takes place in small teams, often of four students. This makes pair work possible within the team, and this face-to-face interaction is a very important element. It is recommended that the teams work together for a while and team-building exercises are used to induce a team spirit that contributes to motivating students to help each other.

The foundation of cooperative learning is structures. But what is meant by a structure? A structure is a content-free way in which one can organise interaction between individuals. An example could be the Round Robin structure, which is when team members do a round in which they in turn suggest, for example, an answer to a task or ideas for a brainstorming session. A Round Robin is often one step in a multi-step structure. An example is Think-Pair-Square, where the pupils first think individually, then share their thoughts with a partner and finally do a Round Robin in the team.
Why are structures so important? Structures control our behaviour to a great extent, and different structures elicit different forms of behaviour such as active/passive and social/asocial behaviour. Far too much of what goes on in school is training in asocial behaviour via competitive situations. One persons wins if the other loses. The class conversation, for example, is a competitive structure: it encourages students to compete against each other for the teachers attention and permission to answer. Only the strongest have a chance here, which is why many opt out. Somewhat simplistically, one could say that the structure encourages asocial behaviour and passivity. Interaction in pairs, on the other hand, will normally be a cooperative structure. It is hard to be passive in a situation where the task is, for example, to interview each other in pairs. Cooperation and social behaviour arise naturally here.

The four basic principles in the structures

But what precisely are the mechanisms that make a structure cooperative? There are four principles that ought to be observed in every structure, no matter its aim. These are:

1) Simultaneous interaction: Most students possible ought to be on at the same time. The optimal form is pair work, which is very frequently included as a stage in the various structures. The classic example of the opposite is the teacher-controlled class conversation, where the individual student, to slightly oversimplify, waits in line for 44 minutes so as to be on for one minute. Simultaneous interaction can easily increase the students speaking time tenfold or twentyfold.

2) Equal participation: As a rule, the structures are constructed so that everyone can contribute equally, with no one being forgotten or opting out. Once again, class teaching can illustrate the opposite: here the students volunteer and those who most need to practise speaking are usually those who say least - often nothing at all. In ordinary group work, ensuring equal participation is a well-known problem.

3) Positive interdependence: The structures are built up in such a way that the stu- dents in a team need each others output if they are to solve the task they have been given. The contribution of each student is a piece of the total work. This means that everyone has an interest not only in explaining their knowledge to the others but in extracting knowledge from the others until they have understood each other. This push-pull mechanism is an effective engine in the interaction that is lacking in class conversation.

4) Individual accountability: The estructures give each student an important role in the interactional pattern. No one can opt out without this having consequences for the others. Individual accountability is one of the most important motivating fac- tors in cooperative learning. Everyone likes to feel that they know something others can use, and everyone gets the chance of showing this precisely via the structures. Individual accountability is also implemented when students are being individually assessed in various assignments or tests.

Cooperative learning in foreign language teaching
In our context, it is particularly interesting how cooperative learning can contribute to attaining better learning results in foreign language teaching.

Let us look at some concrete examples of cooperative-learning structures used in foreign language teaching.

3-Step Interview

Step 1: Pair-work: student A interviews student B.
Step 2: Partners switch roles
Step 3: Team work: Round Robin: the students explain in turn what their partner said.

3-step interview is categorised as an information-sharing structure. It can be used to process material in numerous ways. One example could be that the students in- terview each other about which of the two tales they have read they like the better and why, which person in a short story they find most appealing/realistic/interest- ing and why, etc. In the process, the person being interviewed will not only have to express himself or herself in the target language - (s)he will also become involved in an interpretation process. One could also imagine the students interviewing each other about what they would consider working on if they themselves were to plan the next sequence, etc.

Travelling Heads Together

Step 1: The team is given a task. They discuss until they arrive at an answer and make sure they all agree about it and can defend it.
Step 2: A student from each team (e.g. with the aid of a student selector5) goes to the next group, where (s)he explains the teams answer.

Travelling heads together is a variation of the structure Numbered Heads Together, which is categorised as a Mastery structure. In the original structure, where the selected student gives the answer to the whole class, the emphasis is on the work done in the first team to master the material. But when the student is instead sent on to the next team, the structure becomes just as much an information-sharing structure, as the presentation to the new team is not only proof of the material having been mastered but also a sharing of this new knowledge. One can thus choose to let various teams work on various questions and share the answers in this way.

Inside-Outside Circle:

Step 1: The students work in teams on certain material.

Step 2: The students form two big circles on the floor, one inside the other. If, for example, there are 6 teams of 4 students, 3 teams form the inner circle and the other 3 the outer circle. The inner circle looks outwards, the outer circle inwards. Each person in the inner circle has a partner in the outer circle. The students now exchange material or discuss with their partner.

Step 3: The students in the outer circle (or inner circle) move 4 persons to the right (or left), so that everyone is now facing a new partner. Material is exchanged with the new partner.

Inside-outside circle is one of the most versatile structures. It appears under the cat- egories Class building, Mastery and Information sharing. It is very good for getting the pupils/students to feel relaxed with each other in a new class, where one can, for example, use it to get them to talk about themselves in English. If so, Stage 1, of course, is removed and the rotation is one person at a time - as long as one wishes.

But it is not only the oral side of communicative competence that is taken account of in cooperative learning. The written side is, too. As far as reading is concerned, this is achieved by the structures often being used in connection with the reading of texts, which either takes place beforehand or, for example, in a cooperative reading structure. Written skills are developed i.a. by written processes being built into the structures, so Round Robin, for example, becomes a Round Table where every pupil writes instead of speaking, or Think-pair-square becomes Write-pair-square, where the first stage is to write something down that then forms the basis of further discus- sion in pairs and in teams.

Linguistic awareness

Another point that can be important in this connection is that cooperative learning does not only offer language acquisition as something that, so to speak, happens on its own while the students are talking about something else. Even though language acquisition occurs to a great extent in this way, most people agree that from time to time there is a need for working in a more focused way on linguistic phenomena. This is also taken account of in cooperative learning, as the structures - which are without content - can also, in principle, have for instance a grammatical problem as their content.

There are plenty of structures that are excellently suited to this work. One example of a relevant structure could be Pairs Check, where the students alternately solve a task while thinking aloud, and the partner listens in and approves the task when it  has been satisfactorily solved, after which they exchange roles for the next task. A structure like Flash Card Game could also be relevant: Here the students have written down the things they need to learn on personal cards, and are then trained by their partner, who uses exaggerated praise as motivation in the form of a range of enthusiastic exclamations such as: Excellent!, You did a terrific job!, You keep amazing me! etc,... (the challenge being to use a new eulogising expression each time) until the student has won all his cards back by replying correctly. A somewhat behaviouristic touch, perhaps, but one that the students love. There are also such structures as Turn-4-Thought, a kind of game where the students are handed out a sheet of paper with questions, but where cards taken from various piles decide which of the four team members is to ask a question, answer it, give feedback and give more detailed explanations. This game can apparently motivate the students no matter what it is that has to be learned - even the use of relative pronouns (!) Finally, a number of communicative language exercises are very close to cooperative learning in their construction and with slight adaptations would be bona fide cooperative learning activities if so desired.

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Educational strategies and class control: expectations, motivation, self-concept and social reinforcement

One of the most pressing problems that the teacher faces in the classroom are the behavioral alterations of the students, behavioral and attention deficits that deteriorate the climate of coexistence enormously making difficult the learning process of the class.

Psychologist and counselor Jose Antonio, cited before, suggests some concepts regarding this problem:
To start, the teacher expectations have to coincide with the students goals. There are three ways of creating expectations:

  1. Adaptation of objectives.
  1. Perception of autoefficiency.
  1. Establishment of evaluation criteria.
Then, the crucial concept of motivation. To motivate is to direct the students' interests in a way that prioritizes the school task above other alternative activities which claim for attention. There are three kinds of motivation:
  • Intrinsic motivation: It's the kind of motivation that appears when we do something we enjoy, when the task itself is the reward. Think of something you love to do - maybe video games, playing guitar, cooking, painting ... any activity that you enjoy and you never delay or avoid doing.
  • Satisfaction and success motivation: motivation related in self-esteem: when we try to learn and we get a positive idea of ourselves, to help us continue our learning. It is the constant desire to excel, always guided by a positive spirit. Also centered in social value: the acceptance and approval is received by the people that students consider superior to them. 
  • Extrinsic motivation: it comes from outside. It's the kind of motivation that leads us to do something that we don't like ... because we know that at the end there will be a reward. Think of things that make your life to achieve a particular goal: perhaps studying hard not because you like to study, but because you want to be graduated. Or maybe working in a boring job because you want to be paid.
Lack of motivation is one aspect that is often associated with school failure. An unmotivated student shows no interest in learning, knowledge seems useless and, therefore, rejects the ways of learning that the school offers. A motivated student, however, is more likely to achieve educational goals, because the effort involved in acquiring the skills school makes sense.

Then, the self-concept: a multi-dimensional construct that refers to an individual's perception of "self". opinions that influence the actions that we do, the effort devoted and what he/she has in mind when doing it. So, to help constructing self-esteem we have to:

  • Relieve continued exposure to success or failure.
  • Relativize success or failure.
  • Understanding personal worth from the effort.
  • Negative results does not indicate a failure.
  • Learn from mistakes and to train the desire of improving.
  • Consider realistic goals.
  • Have a sense of personal acceptance.

And, finally, social reinforcements when a problem arises:

  • Inmediaccy
  • Concreteness
  • Subjetivity
  • Limited use
As punishing strategies, the best one could be the removal of pleasant stimuli.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Managing classroom conflicts - What to do

My English Didactics teacher Iñaqui once said that a teacher is not only a person who teaches, but also a judge, a psychologist, a counselor, a policeman... and more often than we think, teachers have to deal with conflicts within the class. 

And how shall we do this?

Quote by Franklin P. Jones
Jose Antonio, psychologist, teacher and counselor in Medico Pedro Herrero School (Alicante) shows us some strategies to resolve classroom conflicts.

The first thing to bear in mind is that conflicts have to be considered as a way of learning. When facing a problem in the classroom, the teacher has to:

  • Look for the roots of such problem and try not to make it bigger than it is. 
  • Adapt the strategies to the context and the teaching style.
  • Create positive coexistence conditions.
  • Act on principles.
  • Use as easier procedures as possible (economy of papers, people, resources and time).
  • Divide the teacher work equally.
  • Change directions instead of changing behaviors.
  • Find out the causes of the behaviors.
  • Use punishing measures as a last resort.
  • Depersonalize the conflicts by priorizing the collective rights, mentioning the classroom rules, establishing reciprocity relations.
  • Bear in mind 3 essential keys: BEHAVIOR, CONSEQUENCE AND CONTEXT