Have you ever wondered what you have to bear in mind in order to choose the best textbook to use in your lessons? Well, I didn't know that this decision is one of the most important things when teaching and that there are a lot of different editorials with different textbooks.
Today we have learnt many important things regarding this election:
- Themes: students have to find the themes on the textbook interesting and adapted to their lifestyle.
- The resistance of the book is also important.
- Teachers have to take into consideration the complete set of skills (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing)
- It is also important to meet up with other teachers in order to decide which textbook fits better.
I found the lesson very interesting due to the fact that I'm used to design Didactic Units for my students in my free time. It also helped me to realize that the diagramming, the illustrations and the written text are very important aspects to take into consideration when designing a Didactic Unit.